Creating Industry Thought Leaders

Denterlein worked with Nutter to position the firm’s lawyers as leaders in the fast-paced global marketplace. An increased presence in both the mainstream and trade media remained a top priority, particularly in the firm’s key practice areas. 


Earned media placements


Increase in earned media footprint


Thought leadership placements among key targets.

Leveraging industry trends and breaking news

Based on interviews with Nutter’s legal team and a keen eye toward the interests of both trade and general interest reporters, Denterlein identified major industry trends and offered Nutter attorneys as expert sources. Denterlein also cross-referenced Nutter’s client work with new trends and breaking news to further identify and anticipate media opportunities.

“We focused not only on developing industry thought leaders but also on building trust - that Nutter attorneys are the best - and only - choice in their respective areas of expertise.”

Jill Reilly_cropped
Jill Reilly
Vice President | Denterlein

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