Denterlein’s Public Affairs Practice 

For more than 20 years, Denterlein has been a partner to institutions, companies, and advocates shaping public conversation around the most important policy issues facing New England and beyond. 

Our public affairs clients span a range of sectors, but they have one thing in common – the need to persuade key audiences on topics requiring legislative, regulatory, or community engagement:  

  • Member associations or advocacy groups educating on legislative or regulatory topics 
  • Businesses promoting policies that foster economic competitiveness and build on Massachusetts’ strengths as an innovator 
  • Companies navigating uncertainty or crisis in highly regulated industries 
  • Statewide ballot referendum campaigns 
  • Think tanks analyzing policy and budget issues 
  • Complex real estate and transportation efforts requiring intensive public outreach 

Drawing on our deep understanding of policy processes and our extensive relationships with civic stakeholders and the media, we help clients create a compelling story, then build the campaigns they need to succeed: 

  • Creating messages that simplify complex issues, create a point of view and inspire action 
  • Tailoring tactics to engage a variety of stakeholders across channels and platforms. 
  • Creating targeted strategies to integrate media into government relations efforts. 
  • Building and activating coalitions to talk to reporters, join public meetings, or create social media momentum. 
  • Tracking news trends and social media to ensure our clients are prepared to respond.

We are hired to join client teams that often include additional, complementary outside support – including lobbyists or legal counsel. With the bench strength of 25 Denterlein team members – former news editors and reporters, State House communications aides, and crisis managers – our partners value what we uniquely bring to our shared efforts. 


Message development

  • Issue framing
  • Connecting topic to key economic, civic and community priorities,
  • Talking points
  • Answers to challenging issues

Media relations

  • Building relationships with reporters, earning media coverage
  • Managing media in a crisis
  • Media trainings
  • Editorial board outreach
  • Op-eds


Digital campaigns

  • Social media strategy
  • Paid media campaigns
  • Search engine optimization and ads
  • Online rapid response


Content development

  • Graphic design and infographics
  • Web content
  • Fact sheets


Campaign coordination

  • Audience mapping
  • Stakeholder engagement planning and outreach
  • Coalition toolkits

For more information, contact Katherine Adam, senior vice president, at