Denterlein Blog | PR & Crisis Communications

Top PR News in April

Written by Denterlein Team | May 07, 2018

We scrolled through the best PR news outlets so you don’t have to. From LinkedIn marketing tips to best-practices on creating a media database, here are the articles you can’t miss.

Marketing on LinkedIn

Did you know that LinkedIn is the top-rated social network for lead generation? Most of us recognize LinkedIn as the professionally focused social media platform, but that doesn’t mean it is free of marketing. If you’re only using the platform as a digital resume and connection-tracker, your business might be suffering. Brand awareness, displaying career opportunities, and connection-based lead generation are all marketing opportunities to be aware of. We found simple steps to boost marketing efforts through LinkedIn on the Hootsuite blog.


Ultimate guide to a Media Database

A media database is a must-have for any public relations firm. Journalist and influencer contacts are always changing, so communication professionals must be constantly updating their database to stay on top of the media landscape. Whether you’re building one or buying one, it must be functional, easily searchable, and specific to your industry and location. We found helpful information on the pros and cons of media databases with The Ultimate Guide to Media Databases through Agility PR.

Use Twitter to connect with audiences

A brand’s success hinges on its ability to connect to its audience. How do you prevent your company’s social media channels from appearing stale and boring? Should B2B communications firm interact differently online than a B2C firm? PR and advertising agencies certainly understand how to position and message and broadcast it, but the nuances of Twitter interactions are difficult to understand. To offer some insight on how PR agencies can use Twitter to connect with audiences, we found helpful tips & tricks on the Meltwater blog.

Uncover story ideas

Public Relations (and journalism!) revolves around the ability to tell a story. No matter how dull the subject may appear on the surface, a unique narrative can catch a reporter’s interest and motivate them to write an article on it. To understand what makes a good story idea, where to find an interesting story, and how to boost your story-telling abilities, check out this blog post by PRSA.


Bolster event attendance

Event promotion is another area where public relation efforts can be the difference between success and failure. A successful event can strengthen networks and generate buzz, and an unsuccessful event can leave the client feeling embarrassed or ignored. To fine-tune our event promotion skills on a local level, we found a helpful guide on the PR News website.