According to the PEW Research Center’s latest state of the media study (‘Americans Still Prefer Watching to Reading the News – and Mostly Still Through Television’), Americans still would rather watch their news compared to reading or listening to it. While “TV” may still reign supreme, the ways in which newsworthy content is consumed is expanding beyond traditional linear television. Think streaming, social media, podcasts, etc.
Knowing this, it’s imperative that storytelling is approached with not only broadcast remaining a priority, but also with key digital storytelling components in mind (such as visual assets, timeliness/relevancy, scalability, etc.) in order to appeal to the shifting information gathering and sharing preferences/habits of audience types.
Citing data from the PEW study (and findings from two previous PEW research reports), along with our own insights and perspective, the Denterlein team developed the following info-graphic and info-mation as a resource to guide our clients and others to develop digital-first PR strategies and extend the shelf life of their storytelling efforts in 2019.