
January 31, 2018

Top PR News for January

We scrolled through the best PR news outlets so you don’t have to. From the biggest myths about Facebook ads to the most cringe-worthy PR mistakes of 2017, here are the articles you can’t miss.

  1. Content is Still King but organic reach is on the decline. Content creation and distribution will need to be more targeted and strategic to reach an audience, according to Nasdaq’s top PR and marketing trends predictions for 2018.

  2. Micro-communities are the new solution for organic reach. Facebook groups and Twitter hashtags help grow a small, loyal group of connected customers that can strengthen a brand better than targeted marketing campaigns. Read more on the Hootsuite blog.

  3. Cost Per Click is not as expensive as you think. Advanced targeting options let you hone in on a specific buyer persona. Think you have other preconceived notions about Facebook ads? Check out these 24 myths on the Hubspot Marketing Blog.

  4. Data-visualization is integral to the future of journalism. The ability to present data to readers through a data-visualization tool is becoming a key part in conveying the concept of a story. If the reader can’t grasp the information, the story is lost. There were strong candidates coming out of 2017 that should gain popularity into the year, according to Meltwater.

  5. Don’t forget last year’s crisis headlines. If you do not learn from your past mistakes, you are bound to repeat them. By remembering the crises that dominated the headlines of 2017, we can work to avoid them in 2018. Don’t recall what made headlines? PR News will remind you.