When your job is to make news that other people want to read, what should your own reading look like? Where should you get your news? Maximize your spare moments and keep up with industry insight with these five top sites.
1. PR News Online
PR News Online markets itself as a site “For Smart Communicators,” and we have to agree. They offer their own insight on countless topics, from social media to crisis communication, nonprofit PR to career advice. If you’re looking for even more resources beyond their original content, check out their PR and Marketing Blogs page. They list several dozen industry blogs to help you pinpoint tips specific to your fields.
2. Twitter
Were you expecting a different social media site? Surprise! Twitter, along with Reddit, is the platform to pay attention to as a PR person. Go to these advocacy-based sites to get your finger directly on the internet’s pulse. Even if Twitter isn’t the hang-out it might have been, conversations here move quicker than they do on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.
3. Hootsuite Blog
Hootsuite is not just a social media scheduling platform—they’re a well of social wisdom, too. Their blog offers social media strategies, tricks, knowledge, and instruction for every level of savvy.
For more in-depth, trend-by-trend analysis, Social Media Examiner is the place to go. They update more frequently than sites like Social Media Today (though they have good material, too).
Shout-out to BusinessWire and Meltwater’s blogs, too, where you can find tips to stand out on all platforms.
4. Mashable
If you want the popular take on all things in the tech, digital culture and entertainment, Mashable is the place to go. Their global audience and omnivorous content gives insight into what people want to read, and what’s happening in specific fields. For more in-the-weeds analysis and guidance, TechCrunch is a good counterpart.
5. PR Week Blog
Not to be confused with PR News, PR Week specializes in breaking news, analysis and opinion. They offer original content as well as posts from industry insiders. Their lists and awards are great opportunity for gaining visibility, too.
*BONUS* Your Top Three Local News Sites
Whatever your clients are reading, you should be reading. While it’s also important to keep an eye on broader forces on the national and international scale, chances are it’s the local voices you want to learn and connect with. Get familiar with the outlets where you’re pitching. See what types of stories they feature prominently. Pay attention not just to which reporters cover which beats, but what angles they favor or particular niches within wider fields they trend towards. When you know the local scene and the big news on the streets, you’re better equipped to land your clients’ pitches.
By Charlotte Gross